Reviews by onereadingnurse

Granite Harbor
filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
Apr 30 2024 – 07:41 PM

A decent mystery

My best description of this book is: equal parts weird and disturbing, and I wanted to but...

filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
Nov 06 2022 – 05:06 PM

A Moody YA Fantasy

First off I will say that my favorite thing about this edition is probably the art – cover,...

Blade of Secrets
filled star filled star filled star filled star star unfilled
Aug 23 2022 – 11:04 PM

A fun read

Thanks to BookishFirst for the finished paperback of Blade of Secrets! I claimed this one with...

Four Dead Queens
filled star filled star filled star filled star star unfilled
Jul 20 2020 – 09:16 AM

Almost perfect

Well i certainly read the last 200 pages and change in one sitting. For a standalone novel I...

The Kingdom of Liars
filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
Apr 21 2020 – 03:04 PM

A Mixed Bag Fantasy Intro

Title: Kingdom of Liars Author: Nick Martell Pub: Simon & Schuster Length:...