Cover Image for Satan's Gold

Money makes the world go 'round. Or stop.

Satan's Gold

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The entire financial world is networked, but banks have an Achilles' heel...

An elusive ex-CIA financial analyst known only as Daemon has stolen billions from the Russian Federation, and now he's determined to plunder the richest prize of all--the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Only one man stands in the way--disgraced former FBI Agent Tyler Jackson, who is destroying all he loves in a feverish attempt to capture Daemon and prevent a worldwide economic collapse. But can Jackson and Dixie, a female hacker wanted for unleashing a deadly computer virus, find Daemon before he makes he brings the world to its knees?

Estimated Ship Date for Winners: March 2nd, 2021


Michael R. Ewing

Michael Ray Ewing is the winner of the Emerging Writers Gateway Contest for best new crime thriller. Satan's Gold was inspired by his work as a Bell Labs engineer on the United States Federal Reserve's network, FEDNET. An avid mountain biker, he writes about people who take life's ups and downs in stride.

Book Details

Publisher Grand Canyon Press
Genre Mysteries & Thrillers
Publication Date Mar 10 2021
ISBN 9781951479367


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