Reviews of Rules for Vanishing

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Sep 24 2019 – 11:44 AM


Genre: YA Ghost Story "I feel it. Panic. It's a wet, slippery creature forcing its way up my...

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Sep 23 2019 – 11:21 PM

A great, scary read!

I love horror stories, whether in the form of books or movies, so I always am quick to snatch up...

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Sep 20 2019 – 06:21 PM

Sounds good

This seems like it can get pretty wild pretty quick. I think I would wanna read this just because...

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Sep 17 2019 – 04:11 PM

Wonderful details!

This isn’t the kind of book I typically read, but I was in the mood for something a bit...

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Sep 09 2019 – 02:41 PM

Wasn't for me

If I had known going in this was going to be a "haunted house" on a forest road then I probably...

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Sep 08 2019 – 04:41 PM

Paranormal survival

Rules for Vanishing is a terrifying rollarcoaster ride of a story. It is written as a...

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Sep 06 2019 – 05:07 PM

I Liked This Story

I was really excited to read this book because I enjoyed the first couple of chapters from the...

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Sep 06 2019 – 02:22 AM

Spooky and Creepy!

Sara's sister disappeared one year ago--and only Sara knows where she is. Becca went to find the...

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Sep 04 2019 – 05:58 AM

That was WILD!!!

I did not expect this book to take a twisted turn. I was expecting some mild paranormal...

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Aug 28 2019 – 12:38 PM

Creepy perfection

Rules for Vanishing was such a dark, spooky read. I regularly read horror novels though so I...

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Aug 28 2019 – 08:22 AM

Not for me

I had a hard time with this book, and I never really got into it. It's compared to "The Blair...


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