Reviews of Jo & Laurie

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Jul 15 2020 – 12:14 AM


First off this cover is spectacular. The color contrast is beautiful and catches the attention of...

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Jul 13 2020 – 07:52 PM

Deserves More Love

There will be spoilers below just to be warned! I feel like I am going to be in a very small...

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Jul 12 2020 – 08:50 PM

A wonderful novel

Having never read Little Women (I know, I need to get on that), I was concerned that I wouldn't...

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Jul 12 2020 – 01:43 PM

Big Decisions

Jo & Laurie isn't horrible, but it isn't really great either. Stohl and De La Cruz imagine events...

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Jul 01 2020 – 11:10 PM

an amazing retelling

I wasn't sure how much I'd like a retelling of Little Women at first, but I was quickly hooked in...

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Jun 23 2020 – 12:25 PM

Never Got a Copy

I used 2,000 of my points to get the Young Adult title, Jo & Laurie by Melissa de la Cruz and...

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Jun 16 2020 – 05:58 AM

Book about sisters

JO & LAURIE takes place after the publication of the original LITTLE WOMEN, which is about half...

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Jun 11 2020 – 02:36 AM

A Romantic Retelling

To be clear, this is a romantic retelling of the characters in Little Women, it is not about...

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Jun 07 2020 – 02:08 PM

Lots of Feelings

I have a lot of mixed emotions about this book. On one hand, I don't believe that the audience...

amanda reads
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Jun 02 2020 – 11:22 AM

Give it a chance!

It wasn't bad! It was fun to revisit with characters that feel like old friends. A reimagined...

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Jun 01 2020 – 09:28 PM

Super cute

Jo & Laurie is a super cute retelling of the plot of Little Women. I loved how Jo experiences...

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Jun 01 2020 – 05:46 PM

Pretty good!

So I had really mixed feeling about this book initially, but I ended liking it more than I...

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May 28 2020 – 09:18 PM

Little women retelling

I read the first look on this book and I already love the author captured Jo’s ...

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May 24 2020 – 08:21 PM


Let's start with the cover, shall we? The coloring is BEAUTIFUL. I absolutely adore the...

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May 21 2020 – 05:21 PM


If you couldn't tell from the synopsis this is a Little Women continuation/retelling. I ...


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