First Impressions of shilo1364

I Like Me Better
filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
Mar 24 2023 – 10:01 AM

didn't grab me

I don't have a very good sense of the main character - he's a little bit bland thus far. But I...

She Reigns
filled star star unfilled star unfilled star unfilled star unfilled
Mar 24 2023 – 09:56 AM

not for me

The synopsis claims this is a self-help sort of book but the sample is just the author talking...

The Legacies
filled star filled star filled star filled star star unfilled
Mar 14 2023 – 02:19 PM


This isn't my usual sort of book - I don't gravitate to the rich kid books or the murder...

Enter the Body
filled star filled star filled star filled star star unfilled
Mar 11 2023 – 09:00 PM


I found the concept of this fascinating, and the poems are quiet well-written. I like hearing...

Holly Horror
filled star filled star filled star filled star star unfilled
Mar 02 2023 – 12:27 PM


I'm not one for horror stories, but this excerpt was well-written and I found myself interested...

Stars & Smoke
filled star filled star filled star filled star filled star
Mar 02 2023 – 12:22 PM


This sucked me in immediately and left me wanting more. I love the idea of it, the superstar who...

Threads That Bind
filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
Feb 06 2023 – 03:27 PM

gorgeous cover

I LOVE This cover. It's absolutely gorgeous and the colors are just perfect. The story itself...