Reviews by kaylee

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Aug 28 2022 – 11:01 PM

Little Bit of a Let Down

This had the potential to be good, but it lacked proper execution. I felt like we would jump...

Hotel Magnifique
filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
May 30 2022 – 03:11 PM

This Was Fun

“May your artéfact guide you toward your soul's desire.” There were parts I liked. And there...

We All Fall Down
filled star star unfilled star unfilled star unfilled star unfilled
May 28 2022 – 11:55 PM

Did Not Enjoy

When I write a review for a book, I always try to find something nice or good to say about that...

We Hunt the Flame
filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled star unfilled
Jan 23 2022 – 11:48 PM

DNF'd at 14%

I tried. I really, really tried. I had heard so many good things about this book so I finally...