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This one just does was not one I was going to be into. I did thing the format of some of the...
I feel like her life experiences would be really interesting to read about. The premise sounds so...
The writing style is easy and quick. I felt fairly drawn in. I just do not think I would enjoy...
So when I saw this cover I did not know it was a historical romance. When I read the excerpt I...
I can’t wait to read this book. This sounds different to others fantasies I have read recently so...
I like the cover even though it’s a little on the plain side. It probably would not catch eye in...
The excerpt had a really easy to read writing style. I thought the esercdpt made me want to...
This topic is a fascinating one. Reading a fictionalized version of what female celebrities went...
This author drew me in pretty quick with the storyline. I thought being introduced to the magical...
I thought the first impression was pretty good. The cover is extremely cute. The book seems like...
I love the cover and the Italian setting. I hope to get this book because I'd like to see if I...
I love the colors and the cover of this book. I really am interested in finishing this book. I...
I wish I could like this book because I absolutely love the colors, especially the colors. I just...
First off, I think the cover is pretty cool. I think it seems dark and mysterious which drew me...
I think this books seems to have a good premise as far as comparing the different time periods. I...
First off, the cover is really beautiful. I'm not really into astrology, but I found this excerpt...
This book just was not for me. It was definitely written for a different demographic. The cover,...
I really love the cover of this book. It's really pretty, and I like the maps inside. However, I...
I think this book really did not draw me in with its title and cover. I think both are pretty...
I really loved this first impression. The cover is gorgeous. I love the color contrast. I also...
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this first impression. I love both the concept and the cover. I...
This book is definitely not for me for several reasons. I'm already not a big fan of the writing...
I thought this book starts off well. It has me intrigued. I really enjoy the rich kids storyline....
I thought this book was okayish, but I would never buy this for myself or anyone else. It made...
Would I personally pick this book out to read? No, probably not. However, it did have an...
The cover is super cool. I also think this story's premise sounds interesting. I just am not a...
I am very interested to see how this book plays out. I wouldn't say this first impression excerpt...
The colors of the cover are appealing. However, I just did not find myself getting invested into...
This book does have a cool concept, and I'm sure serious fantasy fans will love it. I just did...
Is this something I would normally pick up for myself at a book store? No. That being said I...
I thought this would be better than what the first impression was, but still, I would read this...
The story concept is cute, and I like YA every once in a while. However, the way this was written...
I think this book has a cool concept, and it seems like it is well written. This is just not the...
I'm not great at persevering through books with a slow start, and this book really starts off way...
This drew me in so fast. I love a good mystery. The author does a fantastic job of drawing you...
I think the fantasy aspect of this book could be pretty interesting. It's also cool that the main...
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