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Subtle, powerful, and timely… Harare Voices and Beyond poses difficult questions.

Harare Voices and Beyond

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A drunken confession exposes a dark family secret. Rhys appears to have it all. A white Zimbabwean living in the affluent Borrowdale Brooke area, he gets involved in a freak traffic accident. Therein unfolds a confession which unleashes a cathartic chain of events in the family’s hitherto well-choreographed life, a family whose lived experience becomes microcosmic and an eye opener to Zimbabwe’s seemingly closed, forgotten, white minority community.

Through offering a rare insight into lives of the white community in post-independent Zimbabwe, Harare Voices and Beyond explores the dynamics of love, money, family feuds, identity politics, false philanthropy, and respectability inter-alia. Two families’ lives are inexorably linked in this fast-paced narrative which not only traverses multiple locations, but also juxtaposes the seedy underbelly of Harare with the leafy northern suburbs, and little-known Marina Thompson from UK Durham University all appear linked in a drama-infused finale that will shock and numb the reader.

Estimated Ship Date: January 11th, 2023

*Please note that this raffle includes 5 print copies and 95 eBook copies


Andrew Chatora

Andrew Chatora is a noted exponent of the African diaspora novel. Candid, relentlessly engaging and vulnerable, his novels are a polarising affair among social critics and literary aficionados. Chatora’s forthcoming novel, Born Here But Not in My Name, is a long-run treatment of race relations in Britain, featuring the English classroom as a microcosm of wider society post-Brexit. His debut novella, Diaspora Dreams (2021), was the well-received nominee of the National Arts Merit Awards in Zimbabwe, while his subsequent works, Where the Heart Is, Harare Voices and Beyond and Inside Harare Alcatraz and Other Stories, have cemented his contribution as a voice of the excluded. Harare Voices and Beyond has recently been nominated for the 2023 Anthem Awards Finalist.

Book Details

Publisher Kharis Publishing
Genre Multicultural Interest
Publication Date Feb 27 2023
ISBN 139781637461969


First Impressions

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