Reviews by theladywithglasses

Kill Her Twice
filled star filled star filled star filled star star unfilled
Jul 15 2024 – 12:12 PM

Noir Red

This novel purports to be about solving a murder and it definitely is that. But it’s so much...

I Like Me Better
filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
Apr 04 2023 – 01:37 PM

Ryan 2.0

I don’t care for sports in general and have zero interest in soccer in particular. So, if those...

Promise Boys
filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled star unfilled
Feb 27 2023 – 10:15 AM

Let's Scooby Doo This

Let me state this once and for all about cops. As far as black people are concerned, the police...

Salt and Sugar
filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
Dec 31 2022 – 06:18 PM

Sweet and Spicy

This contemporary version of Shakespeare's tragedy of star-crossed lovers takes a slightly...