trishanna311 Avatar


Member for about 5 years


A Tempest of Tea
filled star filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled
Feb 08 2024 – 09:59 PM

Three Stars

A Tempest of Tea is my first read by Hafsah Faizal, and I doubt it will be my last. I've had my...

The Invocations
filled star filled star star unfilled star unfilled star unfilled
Dec 21 2023 – 10:16 PM

Like Mud

I waited a long time for The Invocations, sometimes impatiently as the release date kept being...

The Name Drop
filled star filled star filled star filled star star unfilled
Sep 13 2023 – 05:26 PM


The Name Drop was a cute and typical young adult romance comedy. The upbeat and quirky main...

First Impressions