Emotional Roller Coaster

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This book had me both crying and smiling throughout. One minute I was happy reading about Goose and Minnie and the next I was sad reading about Goose’s death. As the book went on this cycle continued. Martha Teichner is a phenomenal writer and really is able to draw you in to her memories. You feel like you actually knew Carol and Stephen. I grew attached to Minnie and Harry. Carol and Harry’s death was incredibly upsetting, and even though I knew it would happen it was still awful to read. I could feel Mrs. Teichner’s pain at the loss of her friend and her dog.
On the last page of the book Martha Teichner writes “I decided to write this book because I didn’t want to stop living the story of what happened when Harry met Minnie.” This profound quote really stuck out to me while reading it. I understood what she meant and how she felt, once someone is gone you want to keep there memory alive. While I don’t normally read memoirs, I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book.