A Story of Compassion and Caring

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In real life, Martha Teichner’s life changed when a friend introduced her to Carol, a lady dying of cancer who was desperate to find a loving home for her beloved Bull Terrier Harry. Martha was the perfect fit with her own Bull Terrier Minnie and her love for that particular breed. Martha not only found another pet to love but developed a special friendship with Carol in the short time she had to get to know her. Carol seemed like an amazing person with many interesting friends who were quite devoted to her. I was touched by the way her friends rallied around her to provide comfort.
I admired Martha for adopting an older dog with many medical problems. The amount of money she spent on medications, surgery, and treatments was staggering. Martha was such a caring “ mother” for both Harry and Minnie. I enjoyed reading about the interactions of the two dogs and wish they could have had more years together.
This true story tugged at the heart and was definitely one full of compassion and love both for our fellow human beings and animals. I appreciate receiving a copy of the book through BookishFirst and Celadon Books.