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yankjun79 Avatar


The cover is beautiful in an eerie kind of way but drew me to read the synopsis. After reading what the book was about it intrigued me even more.
The First Impression through me for a loop though because it did not really corollate with the synopsis. Jack a high schooler and Matty an elementary schooler are brothers obviously living in poverty with a single mom. Then one day Jack finds his mom dead from a suicide and decides to bury her and keep this a secret for fear of Social Services coming. You never really learn about the father until later on in the First Impression so for me there was a disconnect between the First Impression and the synopsis. I enjoyed the writing style very much and at each chapter you see that a girl is writing from her perspective then it is Jack's story. I really enjoy books with multiple POV and this one seems easy to follow.
I am definitely interested in reading more of this book to see how the synopsis and the First Impression tie together. Also to see how Jack will take of Matty and keep the death of his mom a secret so that the brothers can stay together. Also want to know more about Ava's story and how Jack and Ava intertwine throughout the book.