Intrigued me!

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Okay so after reading the summary, I see the quick change in mood. Like she dies and then we find out she was poisoned. Like that’s crazy. I usually don’t read mystery but this one really got me intrigued!! Like what happened for her to get poisoned? Who did it? Why do it? There’s so many questions that need answers. I’m hoping it doesn’t end up in a cliche or something like that! I hope this books lives up to its expectations!! With everything in the summary, I feel like it’s gonna be a good read overall! I am very interested in finding out! I feel like I would actually like this book if I gave it a chance but at the same time I’m low-key scared hahaha. I will definitely come back and give this book a better look and possibly a purchase! I will be reading the rest of the reviews before buying and seeing how everyone else interrupted the story and all!!