Not Sure

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etrnyl Avatar


DNF @ 68%. I put so much time into this book i’m marking it as finished.

Honestly, I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this book. I know i’m dnfing it, but i’ll probably go back to it pretty soon so I can share my full thoughts on it. Since I haven’t finished this, I figure 3 stars is an average rating, especially since i’m not sure what to feel.

I absolutely love the cover though. I mean look at it? It is more than half the reason I decided to pick it up in the first place.

I will say though that the cast of characters is actually quite diverse. There is non-binary representation (somewhere on the non-binary spectrum) as well as lesbian rep and more. I’m not positive, but I believe that the main character is not white, I’m just not entirely sure what her race is.

All in all, even though i’m DNFing this book for now, I still enjoyed it, i’m just not particularly in the right mood for it.