Chinese Philosophical, Socialigical Space Opera

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I stepped out of my comfort zone when I chose to read this book this month. I enjoyed the philosophy of the Chinese culture and how it pertains to these young adults. It is not a fast, sit down read you can finish in a couple of hours. It is a large, thick book that is intense and enjoyable. The story is about a civil war between two worlds and the civilizations between Mars and Earth. I was drawn by the lyrical prose of the narrative from the beginning. It is what made me want to read the book in the first place. I loved it throughout the book. The author has a great talent for this type of writing. The social commentary about capitalism was relevant to and not too obvious and preachy to turn off the reader. Be forewarned it is a long book. I dropped a point b/c of the length. It could have been maybe two hundred pages less. However, I did enjoy the book. So, just find a perfect corner and sit In your favorite chair and just be swept away. I'd like to thank BOOKISHFIRST.COM and the author for providing me with a free ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is the first book I've read by this author and will not be. My last.