Captivating From the First Pages

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Detective Natalie Lockhart is one of seven detectives in Burning Lake, New York. She is the only woman, so is often looked at as the woman promoted to fill a quota. That couldn’t be further from the truth. As the third daughter of a police officer, she wanted to be just like her father, so becoming a police officer and working hard at the job was not only in her genetics, it was in her heart.

She suffered the loss of her sister to a violent crime as a child, so working as a detective is also personal. As fate would have it, another person that Natalie has known all her life is found dead. Was it random or is does the little town known for burning witches over a century ago have a killer with a vendetta on the loose? Either way, Natalie will not stop until he or she is found and brought to justice – but at what cost?