Dotting every 'I' and crossing every 'T' in the fantasy genre for me

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So, we have a female lead who is the member of a warrior/scholar tribe where women and men live as equals, our hero is discovering her place in the world. She is gifted with otherworldly abilities and as the daughter of the clan chief, her life is predetermined by the traditions of the clan. But she wants so much more. She knows there is a whole world out there for her to learn about and explore but defying the traditions of her clan could put more than her own fate on the line.

Written in the third person, I can't help but feel that this story is going to be one that I suggest not only to my adult friends but to their teen children as well. Discovering one's own path in life is always an interesting hero's journey, but pair that up with the ideas presented within the first 11 pages of the book, well, now we have something interesting indeed.