Dean Koontz never disappoints!

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I have not read a Dean Koontz in a long time and I remember previous ones and have always enjoyed them. This book will not disappoint. The character of Cora has me intrigued. She sounds like a person who is easily swayed to do what people tell her. Kind of gullible I think. Then the part of when Cora is making breakfast and making the brand name of Nueske's bacon, had me wanting to also read more about her. See Nueskes is a home grown company that is in Wisconsin, not far away from where I live. Just something familiar.

I am eager to read more about Jane and how she became a rogue agent and why she stays that way. Having killed she needs someone to help her prove that her husband was murdered and enlists an author, Hannafin to assist her to clear his name.

This book sounds like the type of book I enjoy reading!