My First Alex North Book!

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This book was a great read, it was my first Alex North book and led me to also buying “The Whisper Man” to read as well.

I enjoyed this read a lot, I didn’t find it hard to follow or to slow, it was an easy read for me and I finished it in two days. North has a way of writing that will keep you up at night at times. This book is presented wonderfully in every way, the writing is great, the storyline get’s you hooked and you become so invested in the characters. It goes back and forth between timelines, which I personally love. I love being able to get the backstory without it just being a thought in the present minds’ head.

Of course, the twist plot twist will get you. This book really get’s you to think. I tried so hard to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together before the book, and each time something happened that made me start over and come up with a new theory. This book brings out the horror side of mysteries and thrillers and it will really get you thinking.