Definitely Different

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So. I've read this and The Whisper Man. The Whisper Man was really good. Very dark, and interesting to watch play out.
The Shadows was quite different. Not in a bad way, but I did have a feeling of unease throughout the book. I did not like Charlie. I absolutely hated the end, or as it got closer to the end. Some parts made me cry and that's a unique trait for a thriller/horror novel. Yes, I consider this horror because it deals with death of children, a failed justice system, and the darkness that can live in the human heart and mind. It was a unique story and made me glad I selected it from Book of the Month when I did, but it was most definitely not what I was expecting.
I am curious to see the next story from Alex North. He joined a few others on my new list of favorite authors. I most definitely recommend this book, and any other book this author puts out.