Overall a great read

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I love to support new authors and I was excited to get my hands on a copy of this short story collection. I have never read a collection from African authors and I was so excited to see how the stories played out. A few of them felt a bit untethered and I wanted a stronger conclusion, but the majority of these stories were great! There wasn't much of a unifying thread amongst the collection (other than the obvious African one), but each story stood alone and was worthy of inclusion. All in all, I'm really glad I read this book. It was a pretty fast read and gave me an introduction to many new (to me) authors. Some of my favorite short stories in the collection were Our Girl Bimpe, Rain, and Mareba's Tavern. I really liked how, at the end, each author's bio was included and in many cases there was a social media contact so you can keep up with any new work they do.