I need to read the rest of this!

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My first impression of The Kinder Poison is that I need to read the rest of it! I loved that it started with immediate action (Hen and Zahru preparing to steal the ledger from the priest in order to add Zahru to it - as Lia - so that she may attend the ceremonies at the Palace). This isn't one of those books that drags through the first chapters, leaving you to wonder if it's worth continuing.

When they get to the docks, the plan starts to fall apart as they are separated. Hen to go with the spectators, Zahru (as Lia) to go as one of the contenders. It seems like one stroke of bad luck after another.

When Zahru is picked as Prince Kasta's escort, the first look ends. Now I am left wondering what else this poor girl is going to get herself into....