Had potential but fell flat

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Spencer, Ethan, Tabby, and Chris were all in a car accident the night of the end of summer party. As a result of the accident Spencer suffered a head injury and can’t remember anything about that night. While everyone is insistent it was Ethan’s fault she can’t ignore a nagging feeling that something more is at play here. As she investigates Spencer finds herself with more questions than answers. Will she ever find out the truth of what really happened that night?

When I first saw this compared to One of Us is Lying and Gossip Girl I was so excited, sign me up for all the dark academia! And while the concept of the plot was intriguing, it was just not well executed.

Let’s start with the positives: I absolutely loved the format of the book. Throughout the chapters of Spencer’s sleuthing we’re also given the crash report, transcripts of a podcast, and other notes which was really cool. And my favorite part of the book was Spencer’s service dog Ripley. She was such a good girl!

Something that left me feeling mixed were the red herrings. They had the beginnings of great twists but then they’d be immediately abandoned as dead ends which was frustrating. Especially as they were more interesting than the actual final twist, which just left me feeling meh.

Something else that didn’t work for me was the weird pacing. There were chapters where it was action packed but a majority of the book was slower paced with day to day life that didn’t feel necessary. At 400 pages it just felt too long, if it had been 250-300 pages that focused more on the mystery aspect I feel it would have been a better read. Plus this was an obvious mystery, I had the majority of it figured out at the 10% point. There were also a decent amount of plot holes that I just can’t get past.