Thrilling sci fi

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💍Book Review💍
I’m not a big sci fi reader but this one was spectacular!
Summary: Martine is a genetically cloned replica made from Evelyn Caldwell’s award-winning research. She’s patient and gentle and obedient. She’s everything Evelyn swore she’d never be.

And she’s having an affair with Evelyn’s husband.

Now, the cheating bastard is dead, and both Caldwell wives have a mess to clean up.

Good thing Evelyn Caldwell is used to getting her hands dirty.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My thoughts: this was a great fast paced and short read! I loved the premise of is it immoral to make clones and how far can the concept go ?! I really enjoyed Martine she broke my heart as a character. It was an interesting take on control that verges on abuse, the authors note at the end was really powerful! This was a creative and unique story and I’m happy to learn it will be a movie one day! Fabulous writing and I can’t wait to read more by @gaileyfrey !