Confusing but good

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lmarie Avatar


I didn't find the book itself that confusing, but rather the genre and even the purpose. I liked the book, but I find it so hard to describe just because there was very little exigence for most of the book. Yes, it all started with Nathan's death and the child, but there was never a single consequence after that and nearly everything went to plan. Law enforcement and everything were apparently so flawed that even after a murder and reprinting the victim, no one batted an eye? The lack of accountability for the characters actually made me like them less because since Martine was getting worse and Evelyn stayed the same, nothing ever changed and made me suddenly support them. I definitely liked Evelyn more than Martine, but appreciated the complexity of both of them in the sense that they had wildly different values and priorities, but they could still unite for a common goal. I wouldn't recommend this one a lot, but I also wouldn't stop someone from reading it.