James Bond if he was very burned out and disillusioned

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Milton reminds me of a very burned out version of James Bond or Jason Bourne. I kept thinking of the moment in the Matt Damon version of The Bourne Identity where as a CIA assassin, Jason Bourne is about to kill his target only to find the target's children are right there in the room and will witness the whole thing. He can't shoot, not even the target. He then gets shot himself and thrown overboard (the scene takes place on a yacht.) He says to his superior (later in the movie) "I don't want to do this anymore." Of course from then on the CIA is after him with the intent of killing him. He (Milton) will try and atone for what he has done over the years but of course it will always be on his mind. James Bond has been glamorized but Milton shows what it must be like to have to kill, even in the service of your country. He has to live with it, but just can't do it anymore. The cover depicts a lone figure looking at a city, which is full of light. The figure is dark, which suits Milton. Good cover.