Have I outgrown YA?

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I think that there is a strong chance that I was not the intended audience for this book (I do often read and love YA, but this one felt especially.... young? and lacked the sophistication and polish one typically expects to see in a published work).

Especially a bummer because I do think that there was a time in my life when I would have quite enjoyed this book, but the "bad boy" trope is so often done, well, badly, and rarely done in a way that creates a compelling character who is not actually a misogynistic abusive asshole that the stakes and standard were already set quite high by the time I began reading this book.

I did like the general plot and flow but felt that the characters and writing were just inaccessible to me in a way that I cannot quite verbally describe, despite this if you would like a light young YA read, then this might be for you.