Very interesting genre

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4,5/5. That was good! A mixed of genre between science-fiction and a mystery/thriller. For me the science-fiction part was the best one, the most intriguing elements and all, but I was surprised by how the mystery unveils at the end and how good the conclusion of it was. There are a few good twists in this book and it definitely a unique concept in itself. Don’t want to spoil anything but one of the twists definitely brings an interesting concept and thinking. But, even if I really enjoy reading this one it wasn’t perfect. The pacing was problematic for the first 2/3 of the book, alternating between good pace and too slow pace. The characters (again I will stay a big vague on purpose) are not really well develop and it was hard to really care for them or like them, exception made of the main one but again do to the way the story is told, we are again kept at distance a bit. And finally, I would have like to continue for a bit, to see the after of it, and was hoping for some answer to question finally left unanswered, it was done in a good open ending way so that’s okay, but I would have like to know a bit more. Definitely worth reading in my opinion and an author I will read the next book for sure!