3 Stars | The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

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"Folding my arms, I lean against the wall next to Anna, our shoulders touching. I'm trying to offer some comfort, but knowing you've killed somebody in a previous life tends to narrow avenues of affection."

In the Acknowledgement section Stuart Turton describes his book as "a time-travel, body-hopping, murder-mystery" and that is by far the best description that I have heard to summarize this book. The story follows Aiden Bishop as he attends a party at Blackheath where a murder is going to take place. In the typical whodunnit fashion he has eight days of waking up in a different guests body to figure out who the murderer is. Although I enjoyed the plot, the storyline was very difficult to keep track of but I loved the interconnectedness of it.