Adoptions and Its Lasting Affects

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From the first page I knew I would love this book. Memoirs are becoming one of my favorite genres because of how emotionally tied I become to the person just like I did with Marylee’s story. Knowing that what is written actually happen just has a different effect on me.

The author also conveys how this decision to give up her son has effective so many aspects of her life. It helped me as a reader who hasn’t gone through this experience to understand even if a little what it would be like and how it was a weight on her shoulders that effected even something very distant from the situation like moving to a different state. And not only how it effects the mother but also the child. And how the effects not being with your biological family can have major effects that never really goes away even into old age. The authors writing is clear and impactful. We understand the points she is trying to make without her having to tell us. I am drawn to Marylee and her story and would love to read more.

The cover at first impression made me think it would be a mystery thriller, but a memoir would be my last guess. After reading this excerpt it makes so much sense. I love the cover and the mood it sets for the book. Absolutely breath taking.