It's Snowing in Montana.....

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Three people, Steve, a Wall Street broker, Zack, an ex NFL player and Sportscaster in Las Vegas as well as their guide, Curt, are on a journey through the wilderness and come across a crashed plane filled with cocaine. Steve and Zack decide to steal the cocaine.

Unfortunately, now the DEA, the Las Vegas police, as well as Vegas killers, and the Mexican Drug Cartel are after them! The danger of what they have done leaps off the page and there is instant anxiety in all of the people involved.

This book starts out in Montana, where the plane has crashed, but then also moves around to different places all over the country. There are extenuating circumstances we will get to read about to answer the question why Steve and Zack would think they could steal 10 million dollars worth of cocaine and get away with it. The better question may be how crazy their lives are about to get!