Can't Wait For The Sequel!

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Mutant beasts called Ghosts are attacking all the major cities, as weapons of The Karensa Federation that seeks world domination. Talin is a part of a team of Strikers, formed to protect the last free city from the dictatorship that seeks to destroy them. She is a deadly Striker, good at her job, but as a mute refugee from a country destroyed by the Federation, she is still unwelcome amongst the citizens she aims to protect. When she saves a war prisoner on the brink of execution, she must uncover his special power to finally put an end to this war.

The beginning starts off slow as you are caught up in trying to understand the world that Marie Lu builds. But, the story soon picks up as you learn more about the characters and their own motivations and struggles. It is interesting to be able to fully understand Talin, as she is mute and unable to contribute directly to the dialogue in the story. But, being able to read her thoughts and interactions with other characters without forgetting that she does not actually speak shows amazing representation. Her disability does not hinder her ability to fight but, makes her deadlier in the field. Her relationship with Red builds slowly, and although the romance is not fully developed at the end of the book, the focus on the war shows a realism not seen in most dystopian stories. With about twenty pages left in the book, you start to realize the shocking twist that introduces the second novel. Can't wait to continue to follow this story!