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As with any other Marie Lu book, I absolutely loved this one as well!

I loved the plot and the setting. I loved the fantastical and dystopian element, and more so, I loved the disability rep.

I also really enjoyed the characters. I was invested in their lives and what was going on with them as well. I really connected to Talin, and was rooting for her throughout the whole book. She was so brave and such a awesome protagonist with flaws. Red was also a really good character. I do wish though that the book was dual pov so that I could understand him better. I think having multiple POVs would have added depth to both the characters and the plot.

I already know that Lu's writing style is good for me, but I think that throughout her books, the reader can really see her style evolve.

Overall, this was an immensely enjoyable read, and I absolutely cannot wait to start reading the second book as soon as I get it.