Good start to a new series

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Skyhunter by Marie Lu was a quick and easy ya read that starts off a wonderful beginning to a new series.

4.5/5 stars.

This book begins in a beautiful world created by Marie Lu. Expected. I love the worlds she creates. That’s something she excels at.

Things that worked:
I loved loved loved our main character Talin. Her vocal cords were hurt when she was a child so the only way she can speak is by sign language, which lucky for her, her entire battalion is required to learn in battle. I have never read ya where the main character can’t actually speak. This novel is fast paced and easy to keep up with. I genuinely loved the progression and how easy this was for me to get through.

Things that didn’t work:
The heartbreak in this novel is continuous. Our characters are constantly beaten down and struggling. It is extremely easy to connect with them and cheer them on. Just a heads up for potential readers, it will not be an emotionally easy read

I loved this. I’m just sad it is a series and we’re going to have to wait between books. That stresses me out to no end. I highly recommend my ya fans check this book out. Definitely worth the read!