A Different Perspective

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This was not the easiest read in my opinion. At first, it was kind of difficult to understand the world and environment.

Basically, in a world that is torn apart by war, Talin and her friends are trying to defend their home country Mara from the Karensa Federation, which is extremely good at conquering other countries. The scary part is that the Federation is using "Ghosts" - creatures that are more like mutant war beasts. Talin and the Strikers are tasked with keeping these monsters at bay and defending Mara. However, when all seems lost, a prisoner is brought into Mara, seemingly coming from the federation and owning mysterious powers. From there, the world turns upside down and Mara is left with difficult decisions concerning the future of their country and its own inner conflicts.

I thought that book was pretty brilliant - as is anything else written by Marie Lu.