Elevating Hollywood

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Siren Queen blends magic realism so seamlessly with the glamour, energy and mystery that remains of the early years of Hollywood that the reader could also believe that the silver screen success were fueled by real life illusion and sacrifice. And slowly working her way in from the fringes of Hungarian Hill is none other than Luli Wei. Introduced to movies by the mysterious ticket seller at the Comique, Luli quickly falls in love and a chance encounter with a producer seals the deal. But Luli is Chinese, so a traditional path isn't open to her, and she's not willing to debase herself by playing two-bit hired help. In a world were real monsters exist and payments are made in lives, Luli finds her path to success on screen playing a monster herself. Will it keep her ahead of the film heads like Oberlin Wolfe that are willing to toss her to the wolves when her contract is up? Luli bravely and boldly charts her course in Hollywood, finding love and friends in ways as unconventional as she is for a story that rewrites Hollywood with a more sinister path. Vo excels with weaving magic into her stories while making the reader believe it all could be true, but not unlike her previous novel, there are times where it almost feels like there is too much happening and not enough context for the reader to sort it out. You're almost better off just going with the flow instead of trying to keep everything that is happening straight, or which characters are connected to each other. If Vo could tidy this up just a little more I would really love her books, but still enjoy them the way they are.