Rich in culture and family drama

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This is an adorably heartfelt book full of culture and family drama. The concept of this book is perhaps one I’ve read before, but this book is solely different due to the characters, setting, and inclusion of the Brazilian culture and spirit. I stopped to look up and research every recipe and festival that was in the book and I loved getting such a deep look into an entirely new culture and people. I didn’t even mind pausing my reading so much! I’m lucky to have tried Pão de Queijo and feijoda at Disney’s Food and Wine Festival, but I would love to try all the recipes from both bakeries. Guava paste was mentioned so much that I almost went online to just buy that! Lari and Pedro are such great main characters because even though they have such pressure from their families, they stay strong to what they believe it right. I also like how both Salt and Sugar do so much for the community and show such a sense of pride (even if it’s somewhat a downfall). Romário, Pedro’s Grandfather, was so lovable but also strict. I love what he brought to the story and also the little twist he reveals. I do feel like the ending happened so quickly and the epilogue just so briefly touched on the character’s and bakery’s future. I wish there was a little more like what happened with Victor or Luana? An overall quick and easy read that taught me so much about Brazilian culture and family life. I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.