Enjoyed the book

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While this is not my typical style of book that I would pick up the cover is what drove me towards the book. I through enjoyed the colors and how it entertwined with the characters and the story. Alot of thought was put into the cover and it does show. Although the book was not what I would typically pick up I still found myself on the edge of my seat and wanting more. I kept telling myself "one more chapter" and I would end up reading 15 more chapters. Salt and Sugar was an excellent read. It was light and I could enjoy it in the middle of my local bookstore. It provided a fun outlook. Compared to the horror that I usually read this was a nice refresher. Salt and sugar had me kicking my feet at how adorable it was. Little scenes made me so happy. The ending was also amazing. With how the story ended it really made sense with how the flow of the book was going.