Instantly Gripping

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This book grabbed me from the beginning. I like the way it is told from different perspectives. I think I got to know the characters more by hearing them all speak in their own voices. I also liked how you got a different piece from everyone, and you got to try to piece them together like a puzzle. The writing was good. Everyone had a unique voice so they didn't all sound alike and they were all believable. You could meet these people. You could also feel the frustration as, even in a school that is supposed to be helping them, the deck is stacked against them. They feel powerless: against the school that feels more like a prison, against the principle who has a wonderful reputation but is not always just, and against the instant belief of almost everyone that they could have done this. The only issue I have with this book is they try to solve the crime themselves. I understand that they could not trust the police but sneaking around, breaking into places and confronting possible murderers do not seem like actions that should be condoned as a solution to your problems. But I liked it all the same. I like how the characters drew me in. I like how it explored some weighty issues with honesty but was still able to fit it all into an engaging and entertaining story. I liked how it kept a good pace and never dragged and how I liked all the different perspectives the same and didn't find myself suffering through someone's story just to get back to someone else's. There is a lot to recommend this book and I hope to read more by Nick Brooks.