A relevant YA thriller set at a prestigious university

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Urban Promise Prep. A prestigious school that seeks to provide a quality education for those living in the poorer areas of Washington D.C. However, unbeknownst to those outside the schools’ walls, Principal Moore runs an iron ship and students can be sent to detention for simply forgetting their tie. Trey, Ramón, and J.B. are students at this school, and each have their reasons for hating Moore. Until one day when Moore is found shot to death on school grounds and all evidence points to them. As they try to piece that fatal day together, the boys uncover the dark underside of UPP and the beloved Principal Moore.

TW; abuse, racism

“I’m no snitch or nothing, but being a concerned community member and all…” translated: a non-white dude looks suspicious.

To many, the antagonist was probably immediately recognized and may generate some complaints and will likely be considered underwhelming. However, the ending does well in highlighting the fact that the criminal is usually obvious and right under your nose but you’re too blinded by your prejudice to notice this. The book also does well in highlighting that you can't assume how someone lives their life based on one or two glimpses into it.

I really liked how the book was broken down into parts, with the first three parts giving J.B, Trey, and Ramon great introductions and exposing the biasness of those around them in the interrogations and interviews, most of which just assumed one of the boys did it because they had violent tendencies, happen to hang around gangs, etc.