When Agatha Christie meets wartime pigeon heroes

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I would probably rate this book with 3.5 stars. While it is written in an entertaining way, and good writing, to be honest, the storyline didn't fully capture my attention. So, it could be me being a distracted reader, or it could have been the plot.

However, I loved the well-developed characters. The protagonist, Olive Bright (title!) was adorable and extremely likeable. The book took on the tone of an Agatha Christie novel (which is also the protagonist's favorite author), with a "light hearted murder mystery" throughout. I say light hearted murder mystery for the sensitive readers...nothing scary here.

The pigeon story line was fascinating, and I am just now beginning to hear about the brave pigeons of various wars in several historical fiction books. I have not known, prior to this, that pigeons carried vital secret messages to the Allied troops. I later learned in the author's note that the Nazis organized hawk programs to intercept the pigeons. Fascinating info.

If you're looking for a fun and quick historical fiction/mystery, this is a cute one!