sci fi/thriller

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The cover of the book is what first caught my eye, the braided hair from behind was very intriguing. Once I read the blurb, I knew it would be a book I would want to read more about.

The premise of the book is a woman, Claire, who lost her son to a genetic disease. She decides that she will make sure her next child is genetically perfect so she would not have to worry about that again. She finds a scientist and her assistant to help her make this happen, under the radar, however, they get caught and only the assistant is caught and thrown in jail.

When the assistant, Jillian, gets out of jail, she seeks revenge on the scientist, Dr. Nash, and on Claire and take the little girl, now 10 years old, for herself to raise.

This book is full of morality and how far someone would go to have a perfect child.

This book is definitely not for everyone however if you are intrigued by the morality of genetically picking your child, i would recommend reading this one.