Mother Knows Best Review

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Not the worst book i've read this year but certainly one of the more aggravating ones, i found Abbigail overly annoying and honestly stupid even for an 11 year old child. like meeting up with some rando just because youre *somehow* related? for real? and what kind of school does she go to?? super yikes they just like 5th graders like meet people at lunch?

The story itself was good and Jillian was a great bad guy, even if she was a bit predictable at times (seen the Charlie thing from the start to gonna lie) but there was like A LOT of boundary crossing in this book :0 The DNA test, (i didn't even know they did that crap for school projects now?), the sperm stealing and switching? (though i guess in the long run that was also like stopping boundary crossing on ethans part?), i get they were part of the story but reading those parts were a real yikes