Not really for me

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I didn’t know how I felt about this book! The titles sounds familiar to other books I read but it doesn’t relate to them!! Personally, I wasn’t feeling this book! I think it might be just me, but I won’t be finishing the sneak peek!! The characters weren’t too bad, but I felt like the plot was missing something. Like I was reaching and reaching, but I never really found my enjoyment. But this shouldn’t affect how you feel about it. I recommend reading it yourself and seeing how you feel. A friend of mine actually really enjoyed it, which isn’t a bad thing at all. It’s just a difference in opinion. I feel like it depends on the reader you are overall!! I am giving it 2 stars personally, but reading the other reviews people really like it. If you are interested in books like that, then 100% check it out. Purchase the book and read all of it! The reviews are filled with different opinions to give you an idea!