Strong female main character!

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I loved, Giada the main character in this story. Giada's ancestors and parents have been recognized for their ability to use their magic to heal people for quite a long time. Moreover, her brother Rocco, is destined for greatness at a very young age, but Giada doesn't want to follow in their footsteps; she wants to forge her own path and heal animals instead of humans.

I enjoyed the character development, as well as the actions and remarks that seemed to me to be so very typical for 8 to 12 year olds. The author certainly seemed to hit the nail on the head in that department! I also enjoyed the fact that the main character is a strong female, nervous about coming out to her parents with the career choice that veers away from what they planned for her. Regardless, she does work hard to have the courage to have that conversation.

The plot is enjoyable, and the author brilliantly showcases Giada's courage in the face of difficult situations. Four stars!