A wild and engaging memoir

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This was a fun and almost too-good-to-be-true memoir, and I ate up every wild story. Donna Florio is a masterful and engaging storyteller, outlining all the stories of her many neighbors on Bank Street. If you've ever lived in NYC before, I think you'd especially appreciate this memoir about the Village. Thank you for the copy and for allowing me to review it!

I would like to hear more about Donna Florio's travels around the world, and I think she has the ability to create an entirely new memoir about her wild and fun travels living and working around the world. I find people's stories to be really engaging, and Growing Up Bank Street did not disappoint.

Florio really did touch the heart of the human emotion, as you bonded with her neighbors and mourned their losses, celebrated their victories, and cheered for the downtrodden. The community amongst the building was inspiring, and a lost art in this day and age.