Homeschooling, Hella-Hot Yoga, and a Guy Named Hudson

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Overall Book Appearance:
YAY on the title and style! Both remind me of the Dr. Seuss book, "Oh the Places You'll Go!" ;)

Love, love, love that this story is narrated by a guy. Don't see that as often as I would like in YA. Also, the high concept idea of a high schooler *wanting* to be homeschooled is fresh. Add a layer of teenage angst plus facing real issues such as losing his father, attempting yoga while trying to be cool, plus living up to everyone's expectations of his potential, and it's a good blend of conflict for a literary homerun!

Hudson's voice is engaging. He's a bit manipulative, but not in a bad way, more like in a normal way when teenagers try to get their own way. It's actually kind of endearing. In this excerpt, there's a lot of time spent in Hudson's head and less dialogue moving the action, which should slow down the pacing, but in this case, it works fabulously because Hudson's snarky voice keeps the plot moving so fast I'm getting whiplash! Love, love, love it.

I want to read this book! Stat! I'm intrigued by his story and want to be Hudson's sidekick on his amazing journey to adulthood. I can't wait to see where he'll go!