I didn't really like it

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It was really hard to get through. I read a lot of books that have multiple story lines that happen at once but this was not once that I enjoyed.
The two different plot lines didn't have anything to do with each other yet they had EVERYTHING to do with each other. They just didn't really connect that much in this book, but maybe they will in the next ones.
Its also not really an enemies-to-lovers trope book as much as people say it is. Yes, there is romance in both the plot lines but they seem to be lacking in passion in certain areas. Also whenever I got really into one of the POV's, they would switch to the other one and I would forget what was happening, getting caught up in the next one.
The whole trials thing that the first queen had to go through seemed to last for a very long time, yet it also felt like it needed more of an explanation of.
Overall, there were just too many things happening in this book for me to really enjoy it.