Good enough to keep me reading

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This book is definitely high fantasy. I enjoyed the book, though I can definitely see the flaws that lead other people to dislike it. There were many times where I felt that the characters were a little too dramatic. Don't get me wrong, I love drama, but not when it makes it harder to like or relate to a character. The romance lacked in real gestures and it felt a little forced. There was definitely chemistry, it just seemed like they totally forgot about the reasons they loved each other the second anyone kissed. For that reason, I felt a little disconnected from the characters.
That said, I did enjoy the book. It kept me curious enough that I wanted to keep reading, but I won't say that I couldn't put it down. It definitely had a climax when I got very into it, but the rest of the book was average. Good, but average. I can't say that there were any huge revelations as it was a little predictable, for me at least. But overall, the plot, characters, and writing kept me reading and left me reaching for the next book.